
aaah, what a joke. if it was me then I would be all angry especially when i lack of sleep. My besties work their ass off finishing the script yet the one who had work nothing on it got chosen simply because "this is more adaptable and more the theater style with 4 scenes and-the rest-i-heard-was-something-that-gives-me-reason-to-hate-her-for-doing-nothing-and-damn-always-taking-credit-of-what-others-are doing-FOR-HER"
But I respect my besties patience in dealing with this kind of fuckery. yes, I'm using the word cause I would definitely be mad about it. they kept it to themselves. I respect my girls. But still it was stupid. Dare she spoke up like "I have this person in mind to be this". HELLo, it wasn't even yours so just shut up! I think I put up with her way too long. I know EVERYTHING about her, but I won't say anything. Her reputation is bad enough without me opening my mouth so I don't want to make the scene ugly. Plus being a bad girl was never my character. Sweet me*throwingup* Whatever it is, the play has been decided.and I guess my facial expression was so annoyed that it shows until My lecturer wanted me to audition for the Evil sheriff character. Wow, I can be evil after all.

than should I just imagine i scold her instead of townsfolk?
and the play was from UK.I guess I made myself clear about what an euw british accent's is to my ears? it damage to my ear! okay so unrelated. I clearly want to rant. no offense to those who like that accent^^*smile ever so sweetly*