Tired but have no choice to go on


I just want to wish my Scandal Happy belated Birthday.


(actually I'm nit really his noona. If I use Korean system of age, we will be in the same age but I don't know why he is such a baby in my eyes!)

Dear Changminnie
When Noona first saw you, I have nothing, no feelings towards you, especially learning the fact that you are younger is not helping at all. But as I feed myself with your video (and I don't even know why I bother myself to type your name in the search engine. I supposed to type in Jaejoong but it was you that this fingers fidgeting, it was your name), I can't help myself but to have you in my liking. But I don't give in too easily. But them you laugh, I fell. You are tall, I collapsed. You are cute, I fail!
Happy Birthday the 88 Changminnie. You are my scandal. ONLY SCANDAL. Please don't bother to cross the line cause my eyes fixed on Lee Donghae. So Happy Birthday Little Giant^^

(too many birthday on February that I think I lost the track of date)