Super Junior Third Album


13yond your imagination

To E.L.F.
It's everything we anticipate for
It's everything we hoped for
It's everything we have been waiting for

The 3rd album on the 3rd months of the year

(credit to x_freya_x @ soompi)
This is a sig which ELF has been promoting for the third album.
as I anticipate so much, I just don't care what the concept is (as long as the are NO NUDITY), be it cute, charismatic, crazy, some skin showing (I can handle SOME), I'm just gonna support them.

and our so ever cool Detective Shindong with a new hair cut!

(credit to x_freya_x @ soompi)
and you look so good with it !

oh and Siwon got a new hair cut too and Ryeowook comes in style with that hair, which looks so cute (though I secretly hope for his hair to be different and Heechul's hair to be absurdly long)

and Gee, I spot Eunhae and Yehwook^^
(hello baby! why you look incredibly hot???)
(LOL @ Hyukjae pouting. he looks forever cute)

~13 Plus two (hopefully) on 3/2009 is 13eyond your imagination~

{I want some Henry and Mimi too... I want them tooD;}