give meme and you are safe


boredom strikes me. I have loads in my hand but I can't focus academically. Plus with emotion is a bit unstable and listening to Gee is not a helping hand either. Thus, it leads me to this, doing memes or in blogger world it being referred as tag. I stole this from Laura's LJ (sorry L, I am so bored now. but it doesn't really matter right?^^)

so here goes ( I could swear this will be a very long entry^^)

Name: Mawa
the nicest of 160cm
as for 2009, I'll be 22 (yay!)
tomboy or Girly girl:
a strange mix of these two. I'll be very girly when I'm fangirling but I'll be a bit of a tomboy when I open my mouth.

do you…?
Like metrosexual boys? I love Super Junior boys=/
Like accessories? own a lot but I only wear one bracelet
Like high heels? MY BABIES!!!
Like matchy matchy, or mix and match? depends on what I'm wearing. sometimes mix match looks better in some attire
Spend a lot of money on beauty products in general? Yes. Enough said
Shop online for clothes? If so, what stores? never but would love to try.
Steal style ideas from friends? I think I have my own style. I mean everyone does and not everyone can look as good as the one that they are trying to copy. just be satisfied with our own style as long as it is not ugly or outdated or too "unique"

Article of clothing in your closet? Dolly's^^
Makeup line? Body Shop
Skincare line? Body Shop
Perfume? (again) Body Shop. What? I trust the effectiveness of the product.
Colors to wear? I'm self-flattering xcuse me but I think I can pull off any color

what stuff…?
What is a trend you dislike the most? ripping style. it's just...ugly. and the one who wears it looks seriously poor. (this does not apply to poor Donghae)
What is your fashion philosophy? Be comfortable and neat. Never be a fashion's slave
What kind of shoes do you like? High Heels! I crave Nine west which does not exist in JB.
What is your biggest fashion problem? That I connot fit into everything.*cries*
What old trends do you think should come back? I think everything is coming back. like retro style, clothes-rip style. I just like my current style so I don't really bother about fashion. But I do know what type of heels is the latest in-style heels^^
What one piece are you dying to add to your wardrobe? The Pink blous i almost buy at Jusco. It was p!nk but the material is not suitable for me who hates dry-cleaning clothes.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? more than half an hour. Plus the sleeping on the sofa incident. I slept a few times on my way to the bathroom.
Ever been to a fashion show? LOL LOL and LOL some moar
Would you ever go out in public without makeup? I do it all the time
Who do you think has great style? I love Hankyung's style. He is the type that always looks good in everything and anything and nothing. And Victoria Beckham has the ability to pull off anything cause she looks gaegood has a great fashion sense.
If you had a fashion budget of 1 million dollars, where would you shop, and why? IDEK. Japan maybe?
Is there anything you absolutely CAN'T wear? Jeans and short skirt
If you had to pick one designer to wear for the rest of your life, who would it be, and why? I believe in the power of choosing? 1 desing for the rest of your life? srsly NO. BORING!
Tag 5 people: err do it if you want. there is absolutely no restriction cause this is one very long meme/tag. I don't think anyone is intrested anyway.

on another thing that always fascinates me...
Heenism is catching up quick nowadays.