You are


"The loneliness of nights so long
The search for strength to carry on
My every hope had seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things I couldn't see
Are now so clear to me

You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything "

I love you for being a just exactly who you are. they say love needs no reason but i need reasons to keep our love going on.
I love how you motioned your hand to the fans when you say " You are my everything".
I love your face reaction when you sang " my love is yours alone".
I love you for being the love that surrounded you.

Ahh, no one could understand this love.
it is special.
it is different.
there, inside one part of my heart, you live there.
this love is... unique.

p/s: I'd be glad to teach you English pronunciation, though i found yours to be admirably cute.

Super Show Nanjing, 090117.

(credit Video to pri3an at YT)
(credit picture as tagged)