The Shock of my life


The moment I read the news, my ears went red, my face was blushing and I feel the room is warming up.

Our baby Seo is getting married!!!!!

it seems surreal and hard to believe that the girl who loves Keroro way too much, the girl that chooses sweet potato over Seung Sang Hoon, the girl who's ideal guy is Captain Jack Sparrow is getting married?

Okay do not panic! It's that she'll be the new line for We Got Married Show.

and whom is the lucky guy?

it's the guy that was rumored to be with her, CNBlue Leader Jung Yong Hwa

I am so so excited to see this show yet again! after the departure of the original couple the show seems a bit dull. But Gain-JoKwon makes it worth to watch and now we have Seobaby!