My Kiptionary
for those who just knew me, you might get lost with some terms that i use in my posting (if you are no k-pop fans or not familiar with k-drama). so let me guide you the way to my heart=). because half of the post, i might involve k-pop, my fandom and whatnot, and random usage of korean words, that is why i call it Kiptionary^_^, for you to keep it in your mind about my K-pop fandom and obsession=)
WHO are who?
Jasmine, Falah, Farah, Putri and Salman - my besties. refer to this post, CLICK ME!
Super Junior - a Korean boy band consist of 13 members and the music in me. and i am proud to say that i am ELF=). super junior starting from leetuek (the leader) and ends with Kyuhyun (the magnae=). in short, some call them SJ or SuJu because of the excessive number of member that is the reason i love them more, some of them were divided in sub unit.
- SUJU KRY (stands for Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung). the focus is more on ballad song.
- SUJU - T (stands for Trot, oldies song. in malay like senandung or gurindam or irama malaysia but trot is more like old rock... argh hard to explain!). the members are Leetuek, Heechul, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin and Eunhyuk. they are the craziest sub-unit in Suju^_^
- SUJU-M (stands for mandarin). they are focusing on China market thus they sings SJ song in Mandarin version. this sub-unit has made ELF furious when SM decided to add two more extra member for SJ-M. as if the original were not enough, they add more. that's why ELF fight and got "ONLY 13" campaign. i was also mad back then but now slowly accepting the adding, as long as the original 13 in Korea remain the same. let 7 be 7 in SJ-M and 13 to stay 13 as the whole super Junior. the member consist of 5 original member of Super Junior ( Hankyung the leadah!, Siwon, Donghae my♥, the twin magnae Rywowook and kyuhyun) and Zhoumi (cute cute cute chinese guy that is full of eagyo!) and Henry the talented violin player=)
- SJ-Happy - as the name suggest, the concept of SJ HAppy or we shortened it as Supy, their songs are bright, cheeerful and basicly... HAPPY!!! the members are Leetuek, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin and Eunhyuk. aah, they fit the theme cause the are the loud people♥

Kim Teayeon - my Favorite member in SNSD. she is 89-er

Im Yoona - The only girl that i'm willing to share Donghae with^_^. she is also the member of SNSD. very very very pretty, crazily beautiful. age? 91-er

Lee Taemin - my sweet2 dongseng from SHINee. he is 93-er

Kim Yoobin - very very cool rapper that has a lot aegyo from Wonder Girls=). sweet 88-er
WHAT are what?
Oppa - korean term for older brother used by girl. i will use this when i refer to Lee donghae, my hubby.
saranghae - i love in korea
besties - duh! bestfriends
E.L.F. - stands for EverLasting friends, Super Junior fan club name. pearl sapphire blue is the official color for the balloon.

So Nyoh Shi Dae or Girls' Generation
S♥ne - pronounce as so one which also means wish. name of SNSD's fan club and the official balloon color is pink heart shape balloon.
Shinee world - Shinee unofficial club name

Dong Bang Shin Ki/ Tohoshinki/TVXQ
Cassiopeia - DBSK's fan club name. red is their official balloon color.
Wonderful - Wonder Girls fan club name.

Big Bang
VIP - Big BAng fan club name
Dongseng - a term for someone younger than you like adik in bahasa.
Aegyo - korean term for act of cutesy.
Boya - like WHAT??? or WTH...
will add more from time to time=)
of course some sweetness from my bias love
he is full of aegyo!♥
dong hae is your hubby? :P
den heechul is mine! hahaha.
& taemin is my scandal xD
nice to know u :)