SJ - not a fallen angel
The comments were bad, saying SJ are rude, do not know how to behave. Those were the words of antis and we know how antis and some untrue ELF could be so over-reacted over little situation. People might ask, why can't they wait until the ceremony is over to celebrate it? Why are they so eager to celebrate it during the acceptance speech and worst, when After School was on tear for the honor? So here is my point of view, As an ELF
I do think it was rude for celebrating it during the ceremony but the cake was given by ELF and it so happen the cake was given during the acceptance speech. Think of it this way, Super Junior as in establish group and they have fans on their own and is a very strong fandom. Which one should they take care of the most? the antis or the fans? Fans as we know LOVE to take of their favorite group and from my guess, Kyuhyun's birthday cake was an Ice-cream cake, it cannot wait or the cake will melt hence they have no choice. Yes, they can keep it but it was for the celebration. And by the time the ceremony is ending, so does Kyuhyun's birthday. They were so busy and it's hard for them to get together nowadays, so that was a precious moments they wouldn't want to miss.
However, rationally, it was rude, they are not following the protocol of the ceremony and what was worst, during acceptance speech. It was a mistake, yes it was BUT they are human, we need to remember that. They have been making mistake numerous times. We all do because we are human and we are full of imperfection despite how perfectionist we want to be and wish to be. For someone who has been following them for almost three years, I know they are so easy to get excited by little things, especially when it comes to birthday or anything member's related. I guess they could not hold their excitement when ELF pass them the cake and they have the urge of celebrating it right away. It was sweet because it was given by ELF and they appreciate the gift but still it was a mistake.Mistake to celebrate it during that time and mistake to pass that over during that time ( I thought they have portable ice-box nowadays
As an ELF (and I am not referring myself as a fan, just fan), I acknowledge that mistake, it was a mistake and I'm not going to pretend to say "hey, it's okay they are superstar!", it was rude. But still, forgiving them and protecting them is much better. Saying things like 'we are embarrassed by their act and feel ashamed as an ELF' doesn't really reflect that we are a true fans. If you are fans, and you love them, try to understand that we are never perfect as a human. Hence, forgive them, protect them, that is what we should really do.
They made mistake too so do think how much hurt it will cause them if we, ELF don't stand by them, protecting them.
On the other hand, Donghae is sooo........................
Kireii na~ Your blog layout~
I have no comment bout the celebration but I know Kyuhyun must have been soooo touched :-)
Plus, after everything that happened to them~ It probably cheer everyone up!
It's good in a way, but people will absolutely complain about protocol...
Especially those protocol maniac ^^