Super Generation for everything

SPAO is the latest brand in town (well not in my town, in Korea) and because they are new, I think it is a smart moves to have both Super Junior & SNSD to be the model for the apparel. It's because they are new and they want to showcase how many design they have. So there you go, all 13+9 gathered to showcase what SPAO has in store for you. The design of the clothes are nice and colorful, to brings out the youth in you.
The picture shows the "doll" of SJ & SNSD. Some share the same design, like a couple tee (Leeteuk & Sica, Heechul & Teayeon, Sooyoung & Donghae). I like Hyoyoen's^^ I think it's cool.
and about MAMA, I don't care of it's valid or not. People have been questioning the credibility of MAMA to announce the winner like 2PM being artist of the year and such but I just don't care. I am congratulating the winners of MAMA. I am a very mature ELF. Even when they are not presence, SJ still won 3 awards so just imagine if they were there, they will definitely grab artist of the year, album of the year, male group, that is certain. But still, ELF are the best and we know SJ is the best male group no matter what. An award is just award. Congratulation to 2PM as well.
My heart went to IVY for the massive attack she got from HOTTEST after that "euw" performance of Touch Me with Nichkhun at MAMA. And Nichkhun looked so awkward like "what should I do?" "should I touch her" "should I look at her?". I think he was so cute!
& how long will Super Junior be around? according to Shindong, SJ will be here forever!!!♥