Yoona & Ring
Okay, this is sooo weird. Out little miss sunshine Yoona never really wears ring ever since her debut days. For someone who has been following her unintentionally from her debut days, it's weird. Cause Yoona never even wear one. and not until Gee promotion but that is only on her index finger or on her middle finger. But that was merely out of concept with Gee where they must have some accessory considering their outfit were not as flashy or as complicated as 2NE1. Even during Genie promotion she was spotted with ring on either middle or index finger. These are only some to prove it.

I am not speculating anything here (for example saying that it was given by Donghae, no I am not). But the image of her having that diamond ring where people use it to propose a girl, it's just... lovely^^
Don't argue with me cause me, I have been following SNSD ever since their debut and even when I am not a fan or a s♥ne, I still love this deer with dinosaur mouth^^
on a side note, she is soo lovely on every side, our Yoona is^^