Because SM is a family, fans should stop aguing!
Okay I am late... in fact I am extremely super duper late baout this whole thing.
I have known about this battle between Super Junior and DBSK in K-Pop battle hosted by V-Channel. From the very beginning I though the whole idea was stupid. You could never compare SJ and DBSK, they are very different group with very different concept. Though they are family, they have different image per say. While DBSK image has been decided and they are to stick to that image, SJ on the other hand doesn't have one definite image.
I have known about this battle between Super Junior and DBSK in K-Pop battle hosted by V-Channel. From the very beginning I though the whole idea was stupid. You could never compare SJ and DBSK, they are very different group with very different concept. Though they are family, they have different image per say. While DBSK image has been decided and they are to stick to that image, SJ on the other hand doesn't have one definite image.
Come on, they are family and we should be too. I know it's late, too little too late. Still this post showing I care for my fellow ELF and being a supprter of SM family love. DBSK and Super Junior have a very gret friendship, more than that they are like blood-related brother, they love each other. Why can't we fans do the same? The same goes for SNSD's fans, S♥ne. The fan boys can be so retarded sometimes and antis blaming that to our girls. Those antis are clearly stupid. I hate some SNSD's fan boys because they hate K.Will for taking Yuri for his video clip (and Yuri did a wonderful job there!) but I love SNSD and we, international fans are much smarter. Maybe because we are also girls so we are able to act with more maturity over the whole thing.
Guess even when I talk about Super Shinki, I just had to insert about SNSD huh? What? Don't look at me like that, they are family! and while I'm at it, why don't we include the whole bunch of SM family love?

emm why so far Jae when you have SooYoung & Fany right behind you?

This picture just screams "YUNJAE!!!!~". And LOL at Siwon=DDD
So absolutely true! Why all these fight? I don't understand as well...