Forever with Oppa-duel!
the best CYworld entries!
taken from here
credit to: Original Source; 김종운 미니홈피Jongwoon’s Cyworld Diary Entry 2008.12.21 22:21
2008.12.21 일 Sunday 22:21
There aren’t many days left in 2008 ..-Although I hate being a year older ..
But I also anticipate a lot going on stage and meeting those who I want to meet!
Currently working hard at exercising, and I’ve done lots of practices
Please wait a little while more for the brilliant 3Jib ~
Those who betray will get hit, those E.L.F who are currently climbing walls* please come back!!
Day by day it grows
Quickly Quickly ~~
N.B* Climbing walls as in.. Like jumping fandoms XD
Credits; OnlySJ13

how could we ever do that!
SJ is the best band and we will forever wave pearl sapphire blue.
Super Junior k.r.y.+T+M+Happy=1 love♥~
Those who betray will get hit, those E.L.F who are currently climbing walls* please come back!!
LOLing hard at this
Omo... otoke? Terasa I... Hahaha... Don't worry oppa, I'll still buy your album no matter what. (Hope the world economy will be stable so I can buy it!).
Mian oppa~ I betrayed U... Don't worry, u still have Putri and Wadah (but I'll still buy your album)
What's the point of this comment???
blurrr... kwang3x...
P/S: Mian wadah-ssi, I spammed in your comments box. Kwang3x...