This is wrong...
I shouldn't
I wouldn't
I couldn't
The very existing that i have been trying to deny
and so suddenly, out of nowhere, I found myself typing his name on Google, searching information about him.
I shouldn't
really shouldn't
This is wrong
as if everything i have is not enough
(and i done too many typos while doing this entry)
I know I shouldn't but too many "encore" on Every1 Idol I found him extremely cute. especially his attempt to dance to Gee when he thought nobody is looking (well I do, that was how I found out) and for the first time, I found someone to fit in perfectly with Yoona other than Donghae. FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!
I want to dislike him for he resemble the guy that I don't really adore(^^)
this poor noona is already damaged by Changmin, Taemin and Geun Suk (uh, not really him , he is actually my second to Donghae)
He is too cute! I try to deny so hard but I guess I fail. I have yet see him dance as 2PM. and now i have to understand that to judge one based on their nationality is a obvious racist. sorry Khunnie-ya.
let me introduce this little guy to you
About cutie Nick Khun.

(with assistant ok i think & dorky Leader Jaebum)
was born on June 24, 1988 (born in June... sigh~) and O blood running through his vein (sigh again~ no wonder the attraction is too strong). A mix of Thai and American. He lived and educated in America (sigh again and again~ he is my total failure. he speaks american English!)
Noona failed Nickhun, noona failed. You can asked Falah how I try to deny him. I give in because of Yoona^^.

everything about Nick khun perfectly fit Yoona's type, the kkotminam type. plus he is taller than Yoona in a very perfect way of tall. Plus Nick looks so dissapointed when his chance blew away when he was fated to be paired up with Hyeyeon, he kept on watching over her. He must have liked her so much. I wonder if the stupid Idol protection system does not exist, will Yoona choose Nick Khun? I bet she will^^
&&& our Khunnie really like girl with manner...
Yoona is the type of girl who bows 90 degrees to her sunbae...
aahh, no wonder it was Yoona.
maybe I should stop writing fan fic about YoonHae and write something on YooNick instead.
(this entry contains too many sigh)
and i even got him as my desktop wallpaper. VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS!!! is a KHUNNIE VIRUS!
(even his name are so close with baby's name, Kyuhyunnie, Nick khunnie^^)
well, he does resembles my student

Nick Khun & Anas
Obviously Anas is nothing compared to Nick Khun. Anas does not dance, Anas sings terribly (true what!), Anas don't do B-Boy dance. (sorry Anas, just stating facts that is too cute to be true^^ and I did stole your picture for the comparison. Other people, you are not entitled to steal this)
Aigoo aigoo... You're falling deep here. hehe...
I still can't like him. Don't know why, just can't. But, go on. He's pretty cute, but I just can't. Huhu... I seriously can't. Can you tell me why I can't like him? I don't know why, I just can't... *Pening x?*