"Under My Sky"
i was laughing so hard when they decided to change the lyric of mirotic because of the banning the song.
i think it's a good thing that Lee Soo Man decided to take the matter to court cause it is so weird to have to,listen to the new "under the sky" version instead of "under My skin"
like some said on soompi, "under my spell" is a lot better.
it is just way too funny
"i got you
under my sky"
i was practically rofl listening to it
bring back the original version!
listen to it here
lighter note (this is a light post anyway lol!) congratulation to my beauty sweet dongseng teayeon for your winning! "Can you hear me" is a definite virus for anyone who listen to it!

her dress is honestly like my mum's curtain and the shoes is bothering me. her coordi unnie should pick a light color shoes to go with the dress. black with that dress is... bleh! but the design of the shoes is nice. my style of shoes to be honest. lol!
and DBSK, WG, Shinee and Davinch too. congratulation!
2009 will be the year and power of Super Junior!!!
and i shall welcome thee with a great support.
talk about her dress..
i thought she look a little bit pale in my opinion..=D
maybe a little bit fierce lipstick on her lips..
but i love her shoes too..
no laa..i thought that black colour shoes was looking so elegant with her..
and i thought your mom's curtain maybe a glamorous kind of curtain..